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Broomhill Preschool Playgroup is a charity which is run by a volunteer committee of parents and trained dedicated staff working together as a team.  Behind every successful charity run preschool is a strong committee of parents who get involved and help. 


The pre-school is a self-financing, non-profit making local venture and our committee are very active and dedicated to fundraising.  We hold various events during the year to raise vital funds for our pre-school and always welcome parent/carer involvement.  




Our children are in the care of a qualified Supervisor with a NVQ level 3 and a Deputy Supervisor who is qualified with a NVQ Level 2.  We have a designated Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and Child Protection Officers.  Our remaining staff are qualified to NVQ level 3 and 2 and our Kitchen staff attend regular Food & Hygiene training. 



Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


At the pre-school we work towards the commitments of the EYFS.  The EYFS covers a child’s developmental needs from birth to 5 years (the end of the reception year at school).  There is a detailed list of developmental matters which helps the staff ensure that the planning meets your child’s individual needs.  Planning is done on a weekly basis and incorporates a wide variety of topics, activities and learning objectives based around the seven areas of the EYFS.


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